Prime Cakes

Unicorn Cake


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Indulge in the enchantment of the Unicorn Dream cake, tailored perfectly for a little one who adores these mythical creatures. Gracing the top of the cake is a splendid rainbow crafted from delicate fondant, its vibrant colors arching gracefully to capture the essence of magic.

Beneath this ethereal display lies a bottom layer adorned with layers of luscious fresh cream, each one a revelation of flavor that dances on the taste buds. With every forkful, your palate will be treated to a symphony of delectable creams that meld together in a mouthwatering symphony.

This Unicorn Dream cake isn’t just a dessert; it’s an experience that brings together the whimsy of unicorns and the delight of scrumptious flavors, creating a memorable celebration for the young unicorn enthusiast in your life.


1KG, 2KG, 3KG, 4KG, 5KG

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